About Acupuncture:

Acupuncture for the Mind

Stress affects over 100 million Americans, leading to anxiety, depression, and insomnia. While Western medicine offers relief, it often comes with side effects and long-term dependency on drugs. Acupuncture provides a safe, effective alternative for managing stress and its symptoms.

Why Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is an effective and holistic approach to treating stress-related symptoms such as anxiety, depression, and insomnia. Here are several reasons why acupuncture stands out as a preferred treatment:

Effective Treatment of Symptoms

  • Comprehensive Relief: Acupuncture addresses multiple symptoms simultaneously, targeting the root causes of stress and emotional imbalance rather than just masking the symptoms.


  • Minimal Risks: Acupuncture is a safe treatment with few risks when performed by a qualified practitioner. Unlike many medications, it does not carry the risk of severe side effects.

No Side-Effects

  • Natural Healing: Acupuncture promotes the body's natural healing processes without introducing foreign substances, resulting in treatment without the unwanted side effects often associated with prescription drugs.


  • Sustainable Solution: Unlike many pharmaceutical treatments that can lead to dependency, acupuncture is non-addictive. This makes it a sustainable long-term solution for managing stress and its symptoms.

Prevents Future Symptoms

  • Proactive Care: By restoring balance and promoting the free flow of "Qi" and blood, acupuncture not only alleviates current symptoms but also helps prevent future occurrences. This proactive approach supports long-term health and well-being.

How Does Acupuncture Work?

Research shows that acupuncture helps regulate brain chemicals, including:

  • Melatonin: Controls sleep cycles.

  • Serotonin: Regulates mood.

  • Dopamine: Provides pleasure responses.

  • Noradrenaline: Relaxes the body and mind.

  • Cortisol: Manages stress levels.

By balancing these chemicals, acupuncture can significantly alleviate stress-related symptoms.

Touching the Emotions

In Oriental medicine, health is linked to the flow of "Qi" (energy). Blockages in this energy flow can cause emotional disharmony, resulting in symptoms like depression, anger, and irritability. Acupuncture clears these blockages, restoring balance and promoting overall well-being.

Freeing the Mind

Oriental medicine also views the mind as connected to the Blood. Acupuncture improves blood flow, addressing mental disturbances from anxiety to insomnia. By enhancing the flow of Blood, acupuncture can reverse mental disturbances, bringing clarity and peace to the mind.

An Integrative Approach

At Higher Wellness, we recommend a multi-layered approach to mental and emotional wellness:

  • Acupuncture: For regulating brain chemicals and improving Qi and Blood flow.

  • Counseling: Professional therapy to address deeper psychological issues.

  • Additional Therapies: Other treatments as needed for comprehensive care.

We can refer you to qualified therapists and coordinate with your current care providers to ensure optimal results.

Book your acupuncture session today and take the first step towards better mental and emotional health!

Patient Reflections:

  • "Matthew is the most intuitive energy healer I've ever worked with, he has helped me to get to the next level of healing I've been seeking."


  • "Matthew has helped my whole family and I become more aware of our body’s energy, centering and grounding us through various practices of therapy. I always leave his office feeling light as a feather after his healing sessions."


  • "Matthew's treatments are better than any anti-depressant!"


  • "Matthew has really helped me be the healthy, confident, and happy person I knew was hiding behind the anxiety."


  • "I have been seeing Matthew for 13 years now. I first got acupuncture from him when I was 16 and I had a purging experience for the next day. This opened me up to energy healing and changed my life forever. He’s healed me through energy sessions which opened me mentally and physically up to my energy body and my awareness of a deeper part of myself. "
