Offerings & Pricing:

See descriptions below for more details about each offering

  • Acushamanics Session (60 minutes) — $150

    Acushamanics Session (90 minutes) — $220

    Quit Smoking Protocol (7 sessions) — $1000

    Individual Coaching (60 Minutes) — $150

  • Remote Shamanics (60 Minutes) — $150

    Remote Individual Coaching (60 Minutes) — $150

    Home Visit Acushamanics (60 Minutes) — $300

    Home Visit Acushamanics (90 minutes) — $400

  • Home Clearing (Low Complexity) — $250

    Home Clearing (Medium Complexity) — $300

    Home Clearing (High Complexity) — $350

    Home Clearing (‘Hell Mouth’) — $400

  • Herb Consult (includes Herbs) — $25 (Plus Appointment Fee)

    After Hours Appointment — $60 (Plus Appointment Fee)

    Call/Text Consult Low Complexity (<5 minutes) — $30

    Call/Text Consult Medium Complexity (5-15 minutes) — $60

    Missed Appointment (less than 24 hours notice) — $150

    Missed 90-minute Appointment — $220

Offerings Descriptions:

  • Acushamanic(™) Work

    My form of in-person healing is modality I call Acushamanics(™). It is a combination of Traditional Chinese (Daoist) Medicine and my innate shamanic ability. Together, these two powerful modalities synergize to produce deep and lasting healing, resolution, and hope for the mental, emotional, and spiritual issues that are impacting your life.

    These sessions are available in many options:

    — Duration: 60 minutes or 90 minutes

    — Location: In-Office, In-Home, or Distance

    — Add ons: Herbal Consult

    Eastern Medical techniques, including acupuncture, shamanic healing, and medical Qi Gong energy work to help with:

    -Emotional & Mental Well-Being: Anxiety, depression, ADD, ADHD, acute/chronic psychological conditions

    -Trauma Relief: Emotional, psychic, childhood, physical, abusive

    -Life Transitions: Loss, relationship changes, empty nest, career shifts, new directions

    -Addiction Recovery: Chemical or behavioral dependencies

  • Energetic Clearing (Home/Office)

    Create a harmonious, safe and balanced environment in your home or office.

    Over time, spaces can accumulate negative energy from stress and conflict, affecting your well-being and productivity.

    There can also be spirits, entities, attachments or other negative forces that have come to settle in a space.

    My process eliminates these negative influences, protects the space, revitalizes the energy flow, and enhances overall well-being.

    By removing negative influences and promoting positive energy, we improve focus, relaxation, safety and vitality in your space.

    Each session is tailored to your specific needs, using techniques such as salt burning, griding, and shamanic intervention to restore balance.

    Experience the transformative power of a revitalized space—book your Clearing session today.

  • QUIT Smoking Cessation Program

    My QUIT Smoking Protocol consists of 7 intensive sessions over two weeks, designed to help you become a non-smoker immediately. This can also be utilized for other kinds of addictions.

    Using a holistic approach that addresses both physical cravings and underlying emotional and psychological factors, I support you in overcoming addiction and achieving lasting change.

    My expertise in addiction recovery and personalized care ensures you receive the comprehensive support needed to quit smoking for good.

  • Individualized Coaching

    This offers one-on-one support designed to elevate your personal or professional life, in my office or from a distance.

    Here are some areas we can work on together:

    -Goal-Setting: We work closely to define clear, achievable goals that align with your personal and professional aspirations.

    -Reducing Limitations: We identify and address the obstacles holding you back, whether they're internal, such as self-doubt, or external, like workplace challenges.

    -Boosting Confidence: By developing your skills and reinforcing your strengths, you become empowered to approach your work with confidence and assurance.

    -Finding Passion and Joy: Guidance in discovering and nurturing your passions, ensuring that your career is not only successful but also fulfilling and enjoyable.

    This holistic approach integrates emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being, ensuring that you achieve a balanced and purposeful life.

    Whether you're facing a career transition, seeking to overcome psychological barriers, aiming to excel in your current role, or need guidance for daily life, this personalized coaching is here to support your journey to success.

Patient Reflections:

  • "Matthew is the most intuitive energy healer I've ever worked with, he has helped me to get to the next level of healing I've been seeking."


  • "Matthew has helped my whole family and I become more aware of our body’s energy, centering and grounding us through various practices of therapy. I always leave his office feeling light as a feather after his healing sessions."


  • "Matthew's treatments are better than any anti-depressant!"


  • "Matthew has really helped me be the healthy, confident, and happy person I knew was hiding behind the anxiety."


  • "I have been seeing Matthew for 13 years now. I first got acupuncture from him when I was 16 and I had a purging experience for the next day. This opened me up to energy healing and changed my life forever. He’s healed me through energy sessions which opened me mentally and physically up to my energy body and my awareness of a deeper part of myself. "
